Journal Article
Woith, W., & Rappleyea, M. The Emotional Representation of Tuberculosis, Stigma, Treatment Delay, and Tuberculosis Medication Adherence in Russia.. Journal of Health Pscyhology (2014)
Watkins, S., & Rappleyea, M. (2024). Improvement opportunities for the achievement of reciprocal nursing academic-practice partnerships. Journal of Professional Nursing 51. 97-100.
Bailey, C., Rappleyea, M., Oderwald, T., & Garcia, C. Experiences of Appointed Agents with Healthcare Power of Attorney for Lung Cancer Patients from a Nurse Navigator鈥揕ed Advance Care Planning Discussion. Journal of Oncology Navigation and Survivorship 13.11 (2022)
Hense, J., & Rappleyea, M. Pink Survivors. Living to Serve Foundation, Inc. (2013)
Nursing 热骚视频 perceptions of Assessment Technologies Institute Resources. ISU CTLT Symposium. Illinois State University. (2022)
Pilot on exam wrappers, metacognition, and retention: Initial study to improve education access and quality. State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Social & Structural Determinants of Health. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science. (2022)
Second-degree prelicensure 热骚视频 perceptions of behaviors important for preceptee success in a capstone clinical. Midwest Nursing Research Society 46th annual research conference. Midwest Nursing Research Society. (2022)
Simulation in the Classroom! Critical Thinking Day 1. CTLT Teaching and Learning Symposium. Illinois State University. (2022)
HCPOA Experiences with Nurse Navigator-led Advance Care Planning. AONN+ 12th Annual Virtual Conference. AONN. (2021)
Students' perceptions of Assessment Technologies Institute resources use in a pharmacology course. 13th Annual Nuts & Bolts for Nurse Educators Conference: Next Gen Learning: From Critical Thinking to Clinical Judgment to NCLEX and Beyond. NurseTim Incorporated. (2021)
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CJM & Clinical Instruction at MCN. MCN November Faculty Course Leader Meeting. MCN. (2020)
Implementing real time clinical judgement, feedback, and trust in learning via 1:1 clinical huddle.. Next Gen Learning. Nurse Tim. (2020)
The NCSBN Clinical judgment Model Presented for MCN Faculty. Monthly Course Leader Meeting MCN. MCN. (2020)