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Melissa Moody MS

Director, Admissions and Compliance
Mennonite College of Nursing
EDW Edwards Hall 321
  • 热骚视频
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Directs all processes associated with 热骚视频 immunizations and other health & safety compliance requirements stipulated by clinical agencies. This includes but is not limited to: testing compliance, vaccination compliance and communication, exemption process, flu clinic, criminal background checks and drug tests, N95 Fit Testing, N95 mask ordering & distribution, HIPPA/OSHA compliance, and vendor selection. Directs all admission processes in collaboration with Shared Governance Committees (i.e., PPC, RN to BSN, and GPCC), the Office of Admissions, and the Graduate School. Hires, supervises, evaluates, and provides direction to designated direct report staff in the development, accomplishment, and evaluation of unit goals in line with the mission of the college and in consultation with the Dean. Actively participates in designated college and university committees.

Teaching Interests & Areas

Introduction to Sociology; Marriage and the Family

MS Sociology

Illinois State University
Normal, IL

BA Sociology

Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL

Nominated for Herb Sanders Academic Advisor Award



You and Your 7 Levels of Energy. Moksha Center. (2021)
Conscious Communication. Staff Training. SIU School of Medicine. (2019)
Internationalization of Illinois State University. International Education Week. Office of International Studies and Programs. (2016)
Changing Lives in Two Weeks: A Healthcare and Cultural Intensive. International Education Conference. Office of International Studies and Programs. (2015)
Transcultural Nursing Experience in Russia. Presentation at Annual Vladimir Canterbury Sister Cities Association meeting. Vladimir Canterbury Sister Cities Association. (2015)
By Leaps and Bounds: Using Podcasts as Advising Tools for Health Profession Students. National Academic Advising Association. (2008)