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Dr. Myoung Jin Kim PhD

Director, Office of Nursing Research, Scholarship, and Innovation & Professor
Mennonite College of Nursing
EDW Edwards Hall 206
  • ÈÈɧÊÓƵ
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


MyoungJin Kim is a Professor/College Statistician/Director, Office of Nursing Research, Innovation, and Scholarship at Mennonite College of Nursing of Illinois State University. He received a B.A. in marketing, an M.S., and a Ph.D. in applied statistics and research methods from the University of Northern Colorado.

Current Courses

544.001Measurement And Instrumentation In Research

541.001Multivariate Statistics

Teaching Interests & Areas

Introductory and advanced statistical methods, Measurement

Research Interests & Areas

Statistical Education, Statistics in Sports/Business, and Statistical Methods

BS Business Administration

Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea

Ph D Applied Statistics and Research Methods

University of Northern Colorado

MS Applied Statistics and Research Methods

University of Northern Colorado

BS Marketing

University of Northern Colorado

Nominated for Dr. John Chizmar & Dr. Anthony Ostrosky Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award

Illinois State University

Outstanding College Researcher Award

College of Nursing, Illinois State University

Meridean Maas Research Mentorship Award

Mennonite College of Nursing, Illinois State University

Research Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Recognition at National Diversity Scholarship Network Directory

University of Michigan

Nominated for Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Nominated for Research Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Nominated for Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Emerging Diversity Scholar Award

National Center for Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan

Six Star Salute 2007

United Services Organization (USO)

Conference Proceeding

Blakeman, J., Eckhardt, A., & Kim, M. Abstract 4136277: The Lay Public Misconceives Characteristics of Acute Coronary Syndrome-Related Chest Pain. Circulation 150.Suppl_1 (2024)
Taylor, S., Ishida, C., Mulligan, J., & Kim, M. Measuring Disconfirmation in Satisfaction Research Considering a Latent Variable Approach. 2012 Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference: 51-65.

Journal Article

Blakeman, J., Calderon, S., Watkins, S., Kim, M., Peterson, K., & Prasun, M. A cross-sectional study of Hispanic and Latina/o/x/e individuals’ acute coronary syndrome symptom knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. Heart & Lung (2024)
Blakeman, J., Kim, M., Eckhardt, A., Stapleton, S., & DeVon, H. A nationwide study of emergency nurses’ triage decisions for potential acute coronary syndrome.. Journal of Emergency Nursing (2024)
Blakeman, J., DeVon, H., Stapleton, S., Kim, M., & Eckhardt, A. Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Emergency Department Triage Nurses’ Response to Patients with Potential Acute Coronary Syndrome. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (2024)
Blakeman, J., Zegre-Hemsey, J., Mirzaei, S., Kim, M., Eckhardt, A., & DeVon, H. Emergency nurses’ recognition of and perceptions of sex differences in acute coronary syndrome symptoms. Journal of Emergency Nursing (2024)
Blakeman, J., Kim, M., & Eckhardt, A. Further Psychometric Testing of the Chest Pain Conception Questionnaire in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Sample. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (2024)


Watkins, S., Astroth, K., Kim, M., & Dyck, M. Are Medicare Wellness Visits Improving Outcomes? A Systematic Literature Review. Kim Curry (EDs). Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Online (2020)
Watkins, S., Astroth, K., Kim, M., & Dyck, M. Effects of Medicare Wellness Visits on Health Promotion Outcomes. Kim Curry (EDs). Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Online (2020)

Textbook, New

Kim, M., & Mallory, C. Statistics for evidence-based practice in nursing. Jones and Bartlett Publication (2013)


A Cross-Sectional Study of Hispanic and Latina/o/e/x Individuals' Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptom Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs. Mennonite College of Nursing Scholarship Symposium. Mennonite College of Nursing. (2024)
A Nationwide Study of the Lay Public's Conceptions of Heart Attack-Related Chest Pain. Mennonite College of Nursing Scholarship Symposium. Mennonite College of Nursing. (2024)
Digital health literacy on diabetes self-care for community-dwelling older adults in the United States. Sigma 35th International Research Congress. Sigma Global Nursing. (2024)
Effects of digital health literacy on diabetes knowledge among older adults in the United States: Cross-sectional study. Mennonite College of Nursing Annual Research Innovation Symposium. Illinois State University Mennonite College of Nursing - Normal, IL. (2024)
The Lay Public Misconceives Characteristics of Acute Coronary Syndrome-Related Chest Pain. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. (2024)
A Pilot Study on Nurse Educators’ Preparedness to Teach and Assess Next Generation NCLEX. 34th International Nursing Research Congress. Sigma International. Sigma International. (2023)
A nationwide study of emergency nurses’ triage decisions for potential acute coronary syndrome. Emergency Nurses Association's "Emergency Nursing 2023" Conference. Emergency Nurses Association. (2023)
Exploring Hispanic and Latina/o/x Individuals’ heart attack symptom knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. Mennonite College of Nursing Scholarship Symposium. (2023)
Measuring the Lay Public’s Conceptions of Chest Pain Related to Acute Coronary Syndrome. Midwest Nursing Research Society 47th Annual Research Conference. Midwest Nursing Research Society. (2023)
Attribution of acute coronary syndrome symptoms to women and to men by the lay public. 28th Annual Cardiovascular Nursing Symposium. Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association. (2022)

Grants & Contracts

Development and testing of the Chest Pain Conception Questionnaire – Spanish version. University Research Grant. Illinois State University. (2024)
Effects of digital health literacy on diabetes knowledge among older adults in the United States: Cross-sectional study. Sigma Xi Pi chapter. Illinois State University. (2024)
A cross-sectional, descriptive study of the lay public’s conception of the term chest pain. University Research Grant. Illinois State University. (2022)
A Nationwide Study of Emergency Department Nurses’ Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptom Knowledge and Triage Decisions. Emergency Nurses Association/Sigma Foundation for Nursing. Private. (2021)
A Nationwide Study of Emergency Department Nurses’ Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptom Knowledge and Triage Decisions. Sigma Xi Pi Chapter. Local. (2021)